Prepare now for the beginning of the Fall Season

  • KNOW the Laws of the Game.  Download the most current Laws of the Game and watch the IFAB Presentation on the Changes to the Laws of the Game 2020/2021.  
  • Use the available time to get into shape. 
  • Training:  CNRA has offered many high quality training webinars.  If you have not been able to attend these, I highly suggest going to the CNRA website and watching the recorded webinars they have available.  


  • Here is the current District 9 policy on heading.  This applies to all WZPL games.
    • Deliberate heading is prohibited in 12U and younger small-sided games.
    • All players age eleven (11) years old and younger, who are playing  up in 13U and older games, are prohibited from heading, and must clearly be identifiable to match official. (i.e. armband)  It is up to the coach to inform the referee of any and how they are identified.
    • When a player, who is eleven (11) years old and younger, deliberately heads the ball in a game, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense.
    • If a deliberate header occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the infringement occurred. 
    • If the ball contacting the head is accidental and not deliberate then play should continue.  Do not penalize accidental incidents.
    • A player caught deliberately heading persistently shall NOT be cautioned for Persistent Infringement. (per US Soccer guidelines)
    • All players age eleven (11) years old and younger, who participate in a non-CYSA sanctioned event with their CYSA player pass, must adhere to the CYSA heading policy and are prohibited from heading.